
null Pub­lic ex­am­i­na­tion of the artis­tic doc­toral de­gree of Kath­leen Wei­den­feller (Uniarts)

The pub­lic ex­am­i­na­tion of the artis­tic doc­toral de­gree of Kath­leen Wei­den­feller will take place on November 12, 2022 at the University of the Arts Helsinki (Organo, Music Centre). Title of the doctoral project is "Returning Flutists: Developing Improvisational Rehearsal Techniques for an Ensemble of Non-professional Flutists Returning to a Musical Practice".

Professor Carla Rees will be acting as opponent and professor Tuire Kuusi as custos.

Please check the link below for more information: 
