Sofia Gylling's (ÅA) public defence of the doctoral thesis April 5, 2024 - muto

Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research
The Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research is comprised of eight universities: Sibelius Academy, the University of Helsinki, the Universities of Eastern Finland, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere and Turku, and Åbo Akademi.
The central operating principle of the network is upholding the preceding Doctoral Programme in Music Research (2012–2015), that is, supporting national multidisciplinary research on music and the surrounding cultural reality.
NOTE: This network does not award doctoral degrees. It exists to further collaboration in doctoral studies and supervision between music research units in Finnish universities. If you are interested in doctoral studies in Finland, kindly contact the professor(s) working in university department(s) that appear most suitable for your topic and approach.Also, there are no funded doctoral student positions available in the network itself: all doctoral students within the network are post-graduate students of the partner universities.
null Sofia Gylling's (ÅA) public defence of the doctoral thesis April 5, 2024

M.A. Sofia Joons Gylling will publicly defend her doctoral thesis in Musicology with a thesis entitled “Det var främlingar och dock fränder” – Estlandssvenska identitetsformeringar med visor som verktyg.
The public defence of the doctoral thesis takes place on 5 April 2024 at 13.15–17 in the Armfelt auditorium, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2, Turku. Professor Emeritus Gunnar Ternhag, Stockholm University, Sweden, will serve as opponent and Professor Johannes Brusila, Åbo Akademi University, as custos. You can attend the public defense online, please see the instructions here.
For more information, see the dissertation press release.
The doctoral thesis can be read online through the Doria publication archive.